What to do?
- By now, you should have defined the features that you wanted to make.
- Define 3-5 user stories for your features using the template below
🗣️ User Stories
- Story Title:
A short brief of the feature.
e.g: Login Page
- Priority
The importance level of a story. Does this story defines the whole feature? Is it required? Does the feature can still run without this story?
e.g: Medium
- Estimate
A rough estimate of working days/hours needed to develop mentioned story.
e.g: 3 days
- Use Case
A sentence that describe user’s action for that story.
e.g: As a user, I want to be able to log in using my registered email and password.
- Acceptance Criteria:
A comprehensive specification of the user story. Consists of 3 points - Given
conditions that must be fulfilled in order for the story to be done.
e.g: User already registered an account with specific email address & password - When
specific state/trigger for the mentioned use case
e.g: User click submit button on login form - Then
the result of the state/trigger. usually contains positive & negative scenarios.
: user inputs registered email & the right password for that account → log in success, app direct user to home screenNegative
: - email/password field empty → show error “[Email/Password] cannot be empty”
- email does not contains valid email address → show error “Please type a valid email address”
- wrong email/password → show error “Invalid Email or Password”
- server error/offline → show error “There’s an error, please try again”