Summer Club 2024

Summer Club 2024

👋 Welcome to Summer Club 2024!

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🥳 A warm welcome to Generation Girl! 🥳

First of all, we want to thank you for joining our program as a mentor. Your contribution matters, especially in inspiring the rookies to thrive in STEM. Welcome to #geng! 🤗
Generation Girl is a non-profit organization equips girls with hard and soft skills to become future STEM leaders (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).


✨ Mentors Code

Being a mentor is more than just sharing knowledge. It's about igniting a spark, believing in potential, and fostering growth. In our program, we've developed the SUPER philosophy to guide you on your mentoring journey. This acronym outlines the key qualities that make our mentors truly exceptional.
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💗 How to be SUPER

  1. Suppotive Fuel the excitement to learn, give honest and constructive feedbacks and never lets them give up on their dreams!
  1. Uplifting Brightens rookies’ day with encouragement and helps them see how awesome they are.
  1. Proactive Takes initiative and anticipates challenges to offer solutions ahead of time.
  1. Empowering Encourage continuous learning and adaptation. Empower rookies to discover their hidden talents and reach their full potential.
  1. Resourceful Finds creative solutions and connects the mentee with relevant resources to ignite curiosity and a passion for learning.


✍🏻Mentors Tasks & Responsibilities

As a mentor in our program, you'll play a crucial role in facilitating flipped learning classrooms!
What is a flipped classroom?
You may have encountered the traditional classroom before, where we go to class to listen to teacher’s explanation, then after class, we’ll complete the homework given by our teacher. The flipped classroom, as the name suggest, “flip” this method. Students are introduced to key concepts before class started and refine the learning in the form of active learning process in the classroom.
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Your role is to then guide them through engaging activities and discussions during classroom sessions. Here's a breakdown of your key responsibilities as a flipped classroom facilitator:

📝 Pre-Event Preparation

Join Generation Girl on Discord
Fill the mentor pre-form
Learn & review the learning materials (videos, workbooks, quizzes)
Plan activities in lesson plan that get students to apply their learning

📝 In-Event/After Class

Check for rookies’ attendance
Record the session
Ask rookies to fill in the Happy Form
Foster active learning and collaboration
(click to see how!)
  • Clear up confusion & misundertandings
  • Use clear & simple language when explaining concept (avoid jargons & complex words)
  • Bring learning to life by relating the concepts with real-life examples
  • Encourage rookies to share their own experiences and perspectives
  • Check for rookies’ understanding & find where they might need additional support
Do a retrospective session with other mentors to find areas of improvement

📝 After Event

Collect rookies’ final project
Remind rookies to fill the post form
Offer constructive feedback to rookies, highlighting their strengths and providing actionable steps for improvement
Fill the mentor post-form


🗓️ Run of Event & Operations

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Starting from day 0, where we’ll get to know each other and share the final project to the rookies. We’ll tackle each day to introduce the rookies to STEM and inspire them!
One lesson a day keeps the confusion away! Day one, we'll dive into lesson one; day two, we're on to lesson two, and so on. 🗓️
The fifth day is super special! 🌟 No lessons that day—instead, it's Demo Day! A whole day dedicated to our rookies showcasing their final projects. 🎤🚀

📆 Daily Schedule

For Holiday Club
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Class Start
9:15 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
12:00 PM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
Speaker Session
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
For Holiday Club Explorer
Office Hour/ Speaker Session/ Opening
7:00 PM
3:00 PM
Class Start
7:15 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 PM
9:00 PM
9:00 PM
9:00 PM
9:00 PM
Office Hour/ Speaker Session/ Opening
7:00 PM
3:00 PM


👉 Resource & Templates

To make your mentoring journey easier, we have compiled a mentor framework packed with resources. Feel free to use these resources as you go!

🙌🏻 Resources

📝 Lesson Plan

Think of a lesson plan as your trusty guide for a successful flipped classroom experience. It ensures you have all the tools and activities needed to engage your rookies and help them master the concepts. In this template, you are to define the lesson plan for the activity session of day 1 - day 5 of the program.
⚠️ Read Lesson Plan Rules & Guidelines here
  1. A lesson plan is not a rundown
  1. In the left side, you have the rundown for that day. You should not change the rundown, but you have to fill the PIC that will lead each session.
  1. In the right side, you have the lesson plan. Please refer to the Lesson Plan Rules for guidelines & rules to write the lesson plan
  1. A good lesson plan tells you the topic, and learning objectives, and explains the activities in detail. Not just the “problem” but also “how” you want the rookies to solve the problem. Is it through guided discussion? Or live coding/share screen to present something?
  1. The topic for each day = the lesson that will be learnt in that day. You may not add a new topic unless the Gen G team permits you to do so
  1. The learning objective should capture “what roookies can do after doing the activities”. Please make it a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Based) For example:
    1. rookies can explain the steps in the design thinking framework
    2. rookies can solve a coding problem that involves the use of if/else
  1. Be as detailed as possible when describing the activities, so that your fellow mentors can understand the activity as much as you do!
  1. The resource should be filled with
    1. tools & stationery (for offline activity)
    2. link to deck/figjam/jamboard/anything else that you’ll give/show to the rookies on d-day
  1. You may create more than 1 activity for 1 mini-project session
  1. if you’re confused, read the example provided in the orientation day lesson plan below 😉


?Help & FAQ

We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions from mentors like you. Get clear and concise answers to your most pressing concerns💗